ysergic acid diethylamide (LSD or acid) is a powerful synthetic drug that can cause intense trips, or psychedelic experiences. It’s been popular among certain groups since the 1960s. LSD is often sold in liquid form as well as on tablets and its strength can vary greatly. It’s also available in small amounts called microdoses, where a single dose may range from 10 to 200 micrograms. LSD is most commonly taken orally and its effects can last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours.
In general, it is not recommended to take more than 200 micrograms of LSD in one go. Taking more than this amount can increase the risk of bad trips and other adverse reactions to the drug. Even at this amount, the potential for experiencing a bad trip is still high, so it is important to only take LSD in a safe and controlled environment, such as a supervised retreat or festival.
Side Effects
Effects of LSD can include visual and auditory hallucinations, altered states of consciousness, and changes in the perception of time and space. While the effects of the drug can vary, it is generally known to cause feelings of euphoria, heightened senses, and a sense of intense connection with the world around. It can also cause physical sensations such as tingling, lightheadedness, and paralysis. LSD can also cause extreme changes in mood, including uncontrollable bouts of laughter or sadness.
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